วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 17 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2560


August 10, 2017



It’s time to observation and preparation for teaching. In the morning, we were arriving at SD Muhummadiyah Paken on 7:00 AM. The first class strand at 7:15 AM. 

Today, we have two classes to observe. Teacher usually lets students do their work in pair. Most of them enjoy the class and play at the same time. Friends and I were sitting back of classroom for observation. I think, it’s pretty good class for learning, let students practice by themselves. 

Lunch time!

This is a note that two students gave me and Fah. That’s so adorable! They were giving me note and two pens. I say Terimagasi (Thank you) a lots. 

After that, we went to dorm. We have a diner at the restaurant near UII. Next, I went to Tom’s milk and ordered blue Haii (I was super expected but I failed)

Bleu Haii turns Green

